23 People Who Stumbled on Hidden Notes By Accident

Updated Jan. 18 2019, 12:24 p.m. ET Finding a handwritten note pressed between the pages of a book, or in the pocket of some secondhand clothing you purchased, or tucked away in some part of a house you recently moved into, is almost always an exciting find. The fact that someone took time to pen

23 People Who Stumbled on Hidden Notes Completely By Accident


Updated Jan. 18 2019, 12:24 p.m. ET

Source: reddit

Finding a handwritten note pressed between the pages of a book, or in the pocket of some secondhand clothing you purchased, or tucked away in some part of a house you recently moved into, is almost always an exciting find. The fact that someone took time to pen their thoughts and feelings down and then hide them away is super cool. It gives you a personal look into someone's thoughts, especially if it's a note that wasn't intended to be read by anyone else.

It's even better when the note is a blast from the past, because then you're getting some legit first-hand history from an actual person, not some lame lecture on the Louisiana Purchase or news articles on the first World War.

Maybe it's because so few people actually write anything by hand anymore, but even finding notes written just the other day feels special. Sure it's a bit voyeuristic to read a note meant for someone else, but, hey, if they didn't want someone reading it, maybe they shouldn't have written it down in the first place. 

Whatever, I refuse to feel bad for looking at found notes.

1. There are these "pep-talk" lists where people get candid with themselves.

Source: imgur

Visualization could be a powerful tool, and taking the time to write your goals out helps. I'd add, "get friggin' JACKED" to that list. Or maybe whoever wrote it already is and if so, nice.

2. Some of them are notes that accompanied gifts.

Source: reddit

Unfortunately for Chris B., this CD probably didn't make its way back to him. In fact, it was found in an antique shop all the way in Bandon, Oregon.

3. Some of them are motivational tidbits.

Source: imgur

Looks like someone's trying to get their swole on. GOOD.

4. If you're going to apologize in a note, then handwritten is definitely the way to go.

Source: reddit

Especially if you threw french fries at them.

5. All right, this one isn't a personal note per se, but still a fascinating piece of history nonetheless.

Source: reddit

Can I become like a darts ranger? That's a little more in line with how I spend my free time.

6. This very, uh, unique love letter.

Source: reddit

I think it's sweet that they're calling Scott by his AOL username from 1998.

7. There was this piece of encouragement found on a beach.

Source: reddit

I've got to see this person's earring collection now.

8. These letters from jail a landlord found from his tenants after they moved out.


It's crazy the little things we take for granted on a daily basis, like constant, up-to-the-second communication.

9. This letter in French that was found at the base of the Empire State Building.

Source: reddit

Thankfully, someone on Reddit translated it in the comments section.

Hi Pauline, I hope you are doing well and that you are enjoying your holidays. I'm very good myself, I finally arrived in New York where I enjoyed very hot days, walking over 7km (4.3 miles) per day. I visited the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, the Ground Zero and Central Park. We have attended a Gospel Mass and we took a walk along the high line and of course in Times Square. My holidays in NYC were amazing. Kisses, Louise --- Quizz We left at 14h20 (2:20pm) and arrived at 16h04 (4:04pm), the flight is 7 hours long, how is that possible ? (Upside down answer) The time difference of 6 hours

10. This glimpse of workplace drama scribbled on a sheet of paper.

Source: reddit

I need to know what's going on with Bon!

11. Notes from kids are the best.

Source: reddit

And when it comes with a special drawing? Amazing!

12. In a 160-year-old book, someone found the clipping of an obituary sandwiched between the pages.

Source: reddit

People were mega religious back then.

13. This thank you note from an Orphanage.

Source: reddit

If you thought there'd be a note in here that wouldn't make you cry, sorry to burst your bubble.

14. This notebook filled with a child's notes to their mother.

Found Paper

The girl's mom was court-ordered to not have any contact with her children for a certain time period.

15. This scrap of sadness.

Source: reddit

Whoever found this did a good job of making it a deep-looking Instagram post or book cover.

16. This love letter from a "creepy" guy.

Source: reddit

Best part? Someone found it at work. Yay! Office romance! Or not-so-yay, office stalking...

17. I'd like to think this is what Dragons hang in whatever cave they're living in.

Source: reddit

The best part is that it was clearly hanging from a piece of yarn.

18. This "Ghostbusters" note contains vital information about the franchise.

Source: reddit

I don't know who this Logan person is, but I like them.

19. Brewmasters leave little notes behind too.

Source: reddit

I just hope "beer" isn't a euphemism for anything.

20. This thoughtful note from someone's Mumsie.

Source: reddit

Mumsie's gotta be a cute term for someone's mom, right? Either that or the note was written by a 1927 British Silent Drama.

21. Even more personal workout and diet motivation.

Source: reddit

So relatable.

22. This note someone found on the street.

Source: reddit

Looks like they're heeding their advice.

23. This note taped to a balloon.

Source: reddit

Who knew something so powerful would be tied to a random party favor?

