Guy Gets Satisfying Revenge on Ex Who Forced Him to Move Out While She Was on a Work Trip

A Redditor shared the brilliantly painful way he got back at a cheating girlfriend and it's got evil genius written all over it. Eugene Sue once wrote in his Memoirs of Matilda that "revenge is a dish best served cold." Well, more or less that's what it translates to because the writing was in French,

A Redditor shared the brilliantly painful way he got back at a cheating girlfriend and it's got evil genius written all over it.

Source: Reddit | Amazon

Eugene Sue once wrote in his Memoirs of Matilda that "revenge is a dish best served cold." Well, more or less that's what it translates to because the writing was in French, but the spirit of it basically boils down to this: if you want to exact a vengeance plot against someone, it's best to be as calculating as possible in your approach.

It's when you're focused and clear-headed that you can see all of the possible angles of your retribution. But this may sound pretty impossible because if you're plotting revenge against someone, you're probably doing it for a very passionate reason; you're not exactly in the best state of mind while doing so.

Thankfully, we have our imagination to rely on. So even though we may want to fly off the handle whenever someone has done us wrong if you really want to get back at them, you just have to imagine what someone who is calm, cold, and calculated would do, and then just follow that plan accordingly, no matter how badly you want to lash out.

And that's exactly what Redditor @DJ_Duke_of_spook decided to do.

Source: Reddit

In a viral Reddit post that was uploaded to the Pro Revenge sub on the popular social media site, The Duke wrote that he was informed by his then-girlfriend that she no longer wanted to be with him while she was on a work trip.

To make matters worse, it also turns out that she met someone else and was planning on moving in with her new boyfriend, i.e. the guy she was cheating on The Duke with once she got back. Trouble is, she was moving into the place that she and The Duke were living in at the time and she wanted the vengeful Redditor gone upon her arrival.

So The Duke obliged, but he wasn't going to leave quietly. No, he wasn't going to wait there for her and get into a shouting match or an altercation with her new boyfriend. Instead, he purchased 20 of these little doo-dads for about $100. What are they you might ask? Prank noisemakers.

Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit

The ones that he purchased go off at random intervals and have a battery life that lasts several years. Once they're turned on, the only way to disable them is to find them and then turn them off. Or until they run out of juice.

The Redditor in question proceeded to hide them all around the house before moving out, along with her car, and a boat that her father bought for her (they came from a mega-rich family.)

After The Duke's work was done, he ended up moving out and getting a new place to live on his own. Several months go by and he's more or less cut all of his connections to his ex-girlfriend out of his life, except for one. The two never spoke about The Duke's ex-girlfriend until this mutual friend started ruminating on prank ideas for a camping trip he was going on with his pals.

That's when The Duke began telling him about the noisemakers and when he did, the mutual friend's face lit up with glee: he immediately knew that he was the one responsible for the insanity that befell his ex and her new boyfriend.

Apparently, the noises drove both her and her BF to the brink of madness and sometimes one of them would hear it while the other didn't.

Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit

It became like The Tell-Tale Heart, and his ex's new beau wanted out. Then, several months later The Duke learned that she told her parents she didn't want the house anymore and to either give it to her brother or just sell the thing outright.

The Duke relished in the revenge, stating that he got "high" whenever he heard how much destruction his effective little prank caused. On the outside whenever friends ask about her or their past relationship, he always tells them that he "holds no grudge," but on the inside, he's reveling in the fact that he got back at her in a truly maniacal way.

Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit

There were tons of Redditors who thought that The Duke's tale of vengeance was absolutely wonderful. But there are some who would argue that it's better to just forgive and forget. What do you think? Did he go too far?

