Ask Pulse: How can I cope with being horny in a long-distance relationship?

Dear Pulse, I'm in a long-distance relationship, and while I want to stay faithful, it is becoming challenging. My love language is physical touch, and being in school surrounded by male friends makes the distance even harder. We spend a lot of time together in the lounge and after classes, and I worry that the

I'm in a long-distance relationship, and while I want to stay faithful, it is becoming challenging. My love language is physical touch, and being in school surrounded by male friends makes the distance even harder. We spend a lot of time together in the lounge and after classes, and I worry that the physical closeness might lead to something I wouldn't want.

The lack of physical touch with my boyfriend is tough, and I honestly don't know how long I can manage without it. How can I handle this distance and my need for physical affection?


Being in a long-distance relationship is tough, and experiencing those sexual feelings is completely normal. It's what makes you human. Have you considered exploring virtual intimacy? Sexting and video sex with your man can help relieve some of that pressure, but this should still be done safely, make sure your face is showing or the video isn’t being recorded.

It might also be helpful to create some space between yourself and your male friends while you're navigating these feelings. Focus on spending more time with your female friends.

Most importantly, planning a physical meeting with your boyfriend soon could be a great solution. The anticipation of seeing him in person might ease your anxieties.


I wish you all the best.

