20 Animal Photobombs That Are Sure to Brighten Your Day

Jun. 3 2019, Updated 12:48 p.m. ET Animal photobombs are an art form all their own. They are about a million times better than any human photobomb because, most of the time, the animals have no idea what they're doing, but they still manage to look like they are hardcore cheesing for the camera. Plus,

These Are the Best Animal Photobombs of All Time


Jun. 3 2019, Updated 12:48 p.m. ET

Source: Imgur

Animal photobombs are an art form all their own. They are about a million times better than any human photobomb because, most of the time, the animals have no idea what they're doing, but they still manage to look like they are hardcore cheesing for the camera. Plus, just in general, animals are way cuter than humans. They just are.

I do want to warn you. These animal photobombs will make you want to run to the nearest shelter and get yourself a pet. Even if you have one already. They'll also make you want to travel the world. To Machu Picchu... for the llamas. To New York City...for the police horses. To Australia...just to snag a selfie with a quokka. You won't be able to get through this list without squealing with delight. Just try.

Source: Twitter

Seal hello to your penguin friends! This seal wanted to be the star of the photo bad enough to scoot into frame, but not bad enough to get up. What? He was taking a nap, and after this photo, he's going to fall right back to sleep.

Source: Reddit

Ah yes, cats. Such elegant, graceful creatures. They clean themselves and always go in the litter box. They always land on their feet. Cats are pretty much the ballerinas of the animal world. So beautiful, so delicate. Not at all ridiculous.

Source: Reddit

OK, but this camel has to be a model camel, right? Like, maybe he was the inspiration for the cool camel on the cigarette box because this camel knows his best angle and knows how to pose for the camera. I've never seen an animal so happy to be in a picture.

Source: Reddit

"Hey, you guys taking a picture? I love taking pictures! I'll be in your picture! What? No, I don't need to relax. I'm just excited for the picture, is all. I have three bones and a stuffed rabbit, did you know that? Do you want to throw it for me and I'll go get it? I'll bring it back and then you can throw it again! It'll be fun! I want to run! I'm not hyper. What's hyper?"

Source: Imgur

I love interacting with gorillas at the zoo. It's completely fascinating. We are so similar in so many ways. For example, as you can see from this picture, gorillas, like humans, also stand behind people's backs and mock them mercilessly while their pictures are being taken. 

Source: Reddit

Llamas and alpacas are uniquely skilled at photobombing because of their long necks. "Oh, you thought you wanted to take a picture of that pig? Think again, dummy!"

Source: Reddit

I am giggling to myself so hard right now thinking about this picture being taken as the sloth slowly lowers down into the frame. And she's got that adorable smirk on her face that tells me she knows exactly what she's doing.

Source: Reddit

This family of otters stumbled upon a proposal! What were they going to do, walk past like nothing happened? No! They watched and then clapped their tiny little arms together when she said yes. 

Source: Reddit

Both greyhounds and huskies are such majestic, regal creatures, don't you think? I would almost venture to say that huskies are like the cats of dogs. They always look so put-together, so refined and sophisticated. Some dogs are silly-looking, but not huskies.

Source: Reddit

The poor cat in the background is trying to take glamour shots for his website and Kevin here is like, "What's this? A camera? How does it work? Ooh, cool, can I be in it?" The most annoying part is that Kevin looks effortlessly adorable.

Source: Imgur

This is too funny. This squirrel knows that they really wanted to take a picture of him and not the breathtaking view in the background. Why would they want to take a picture of a bunch of rocks and water instead of the world's cutest rodent?

Source: Reddit

Sure, Lucky might be digging a hole, but Champ here is rolling around in the sand, so really, who's more impressive? He's got his tongue out and everything. 

Source: Reddit

This was just moments before the giant cat opened its mouth and ate that tiny child whole. Just kidding, just kidding. It's called forced perspective, people! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. That's just a regular-sized cat.

Source: Reddit

Cows are furry and cute, so they always get all the attention at the animal sanctuary. Well, not anymore! Tom the turkey is going to make sure you appreciate him once and for all! He's just as deserving of pets on the head as Bessie over there.

Source: Reddit

This picture of a horse clearly posing for a picture deserves all the awards. I want to hang this over my bed. I want people all over the world to study it for centuries to come. It is a work of art. All thanks to one hammy horse.

Source: Imgur

This is hilarious. That corgi 100 percent believes this photo is all about him. He's lucky he's so cute. 

Source: Imgur

This mama hen just wanted a nice photo of herself, but noooooo. Her baby chick just had to poke his little head out to say hello and stare straight at the camera. I bet this one's going to grow up to be a real handful.

Source: Reddit

Raccoons are notorious for getting up in everybody's business all the time. My family bought raccoon-proof garbage cans, but they ate through the tops to get to the good stuff. They're annoying little rascals, but they have stupid, cute faces, so I can't stay mad at them for very long.

Source: Reddit

Dude promised to play with his friend, and then he spent the whole afternoon taking selfies. We all know how this goes. No wonder he got mad and started barking. He just wants to wrestle!

Source: Reddit

Titus finally struck the perfect pose for his portrait, but didn't realize that Angelica had snuck into the background with a look on her face that says, "Wow, you are into yourself." Now he's got to spend the whole afternoon finding his light again!

