5 Things Your Nail Biting Habit Can Reveal About You

Nail-biting typically begins inchildhood. Many people who had this habit askids eventually outgrowit, but for some, itbecomes alifelong habit that can beextremely difficult toquit. Most ofus grew upthinking that biting our nails was abad habit that weneed tobreak. But itturns out that this repetitive behavior can reveal some interesting facts about you, and its not

Nail-biting typically begins in childhood. Many people who had this habit as kids eventually outgrow it, but for some, it becomes a lifelong habit that can be extremely difficult to quit. Most of us grew up thinking that biting our nails was a bad habit that we need to break. But it turns out that this repetitive behavior can reveal some interesting facts about you, and it’s not just about your stress level.

We at Bright Side have done some research to find out the reasons behind the habit of biting one’s nails.

1. You may be a perfectionist.

Most nail biters are overachievers, according to a study. Researchers surveyed a group of people, half of whom had a habit of biting their nails and half of whom did not. Nail biters turned out to be type-A personalities who tend to overwork themselves.

2. You’re smarter than you think.

People who bite their nails are often goal-driven individuals who don’t perform tasks at a usual pace. Many people have a tendency to bite their nails during moments of intense concentration when they’re trying to work out a problem.

3. You may be impatient.

Boredom and frustration may be important triggers of nail-biting. Once it becomes a habit, it can become something you do to keep yourself occupied when you’re bored or waiting around.

4. You may not be happy with yourself.

Biting your nails can be a nervous habit that temporarily makes people feel better. Nail biters are often overachievers who set huge expectations for themselves. When they can’t reach their goals, they often feel disappointed and ashamed of themselves.

5. It might be related to a psychological issue.

Biting your nails may be linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder — when people feel the urge to do something over and over again, like for example, to pick at their nails. However, not everyone with these mental conditions bites their nails, and it is often a long-lasting habit that is difficult to overcome.

Did you bite your nails as a kid? Do you still have this habit?

