10+ Iconic Duos Who Keep Us Believing in True Friendship

3to5close friends thats how many the average person has. Asweage, the quality ofthese friendships becomes more important than the quantity. Atrue friend issomeone who makes time stand still, nomatter how many months oryears have passed since you last met.

3 to 5 close friends — that’s how many the average person has. As we age, the quality of these friendships becomes more important than the quantity. A true friend is someone who makes time stand still, no matter how many months or years have passed since you last met.

Hollywood is full of broken bonds that have dissolved under the pressure of competition. But rest assured, we found the ones that showed us genuine relationships can always win if both parties put in the effort needed to help them thrive.

Sarah Paulson and Pedro Pascal

Sarah and Pedro have been friends since the ’90s, back when they were just teenagers. Both young actors were struggling to make it big in Hollywood, and once “we attached to each other, we weren’t able to let go.” They support each other publicly, and they are not afraid to let the whole world know.

Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd

The duo met on the set of their first movie together, the ’90s rom-com The Object of My Affection. Their on-screen chemistry translated into real life, and they briefly dated back then. However, it wasn’t meant to be for the 2, and today, they’re the perfect example of how a platonic friendship can survive decades.

Busy Philipps and Michelle Williams

Co-stars on Dawson’s Creek from the early 2000s, Williams and Philipps’ friendship bloomed over 2 decades. They are often each other’s plus one at award shows, and Busy once said about Michelle, “I can’t believe my best friend is 40. We met 20 years ago, which makes no sense because we’re still 27.”

Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson

McConaughey calls Harrelson his brother from another mother. They have worked together in movies many times, most notably in the True Detective series. The actors often go on what Woody calls “friendship tours,” meaning they vacation together, whether it’s paddling shirtless in the sun or just enjoying each other’s company.

Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg

This might sound like an unlikely friendship, but when Snoop was a guest on Martha’s cooking show back in 2008, the 2 just hit it off. So much so that they even starred in their own cooking show, Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party. According to Snoop, “The magic is right there, and I always say we’re best friends.”

Blake Lively and Florence Welch

Blake Lively and Florence Welch met after one of the singer’s shows back in NY. Lively was asked if she wanted to meet Florence backstage, and like a genuine fan, she couldn’t hold back her excitement and said yes. They bonded over pizza, and more than a decade later, they’re still besties. Moreover, Welch sang at the couple’s wedding.

Kate Hudson and Liv Tyler

Do you know that friend from high school that turned into your lifelong support? That’s Kate Hudson and Liv Tyler — although both were offspring of iconic artists in Hollywood, they went to high school together and never left each other’s side.

Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake

Back in 2003, when this picture was taken, Timberlake and Fallon were fresh into their bromance, that’s based on a good sense of humor and unmatched chemistry.

Jimmy shared about Justin that: “He’s the guy who’s given me some of the best laughs I’ve ever had in my life. One of the most talented, coolest, nicest people in the world. You’re one in a million.” The 2 have worked together on many comedy sketches, often turning them into viral sensations.

Jennifer Garner and Jessica Biel

Jennifer Garner and Jessica Biel met on the set of the rom-com Valentine’s Day, and the 2 just clicked. They have only good words for one another. And Biel is impressed by how Garner manages to balance her work and family life, saying, “I feel like my seconds are full all day long, and then I look at your life, and I wonder how you do it.”

Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro

Tap the arrows above to see what 40+ years of friendship looks like. Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro first met when they were teenagers, and they reconnected later while working on the 1973 film Mean Streets. Today, they can’t imagine their life without their relationship.

Elton John and Ed Sheeran

Elton John was Ed Sheeran’s mentor in his early career as an artist, and he was always willing to help him through anything, saying, “anytime you want to call me, anytime you need advice.” Years later, although Ed thought people might find it hard to believe, the duo talks on the phone every single day. “Whether it’s a half-hour chat or 2 minutes, he always checks up on me.”

Susan Sarandon and Richard Gere

Richard Gere and Susan Sarandon have known each other for longer than 25 years. On-screen and in real life, they admire each other and both are considered important figures in Hollywood.

They recently reunited in the romantic comedy Maybe I Do, and the director they worked with said, “I don’t think this is going to work because they love each other so much. They’re so comfortable with each other, so easy. And the banter, so unplanned and genuine.”

